What would you do with an extra $3,600 next year?
If your family is enrolled in your employer's health plan, it's time to take a closer look at it. Here's why:

Employers have to pay at least 50% of insurance premiums for their employees but they are not obligated to do the same for your family members. And, since company policies cost more than individual plans, it's possible you are paying more for your family's insurance than you need to.
Just this week, I saved one client $300/month and another $234/month by getting their family members off of the company plan and onto plans offered directly by the insurance company.
What would you do with an extra $3,600 next year? I know what I would do with it. Can anyone say VACATION FUND?!
Call me at 626-437-2400 or fill out this form and let's get started on finding out how much you could be saving. No cost and no obligation to you whatsoever.